News > The WOW! Awards Best Newcomer 2016 Winner

The WOW! Awards Best Newcomer 2016 Winner

30 November 2016


We are delighted to announce that we are the winner of ‘Best Newcomer’ award at The WOW! Awards 2016 celebration Gala recognising the best of customer service from around the world. Our Commercial Director, Luke Bowers and Contract Manager, Diego Diaz attended the ceremony along with over 300 WOW! Award members. In June we were selected as a Best Newcomer Finalist. We were invited to present our customer service successes since joining the organisation in front of a panel of judges in September.

The Best Newcomer Award recognises the organisations, which have launched The WOW! Awards scheme in the past 12 months and have successfully established the initiative into their company. Our Commercial Director, Luke Bowers said ‘We would like to thank everyone for making this such a success, especially our Cleaning Operatives who go the extra mile in delivering such a high level of customer service. We recognise the importance of showing appreciation for the work our employees do and as such have placed employee engagement at the top of our list of strategic priorities. The WOW! Awards has given us the perfect platform for our company and our customers to acknowledge our people doing things right. We are now able to easily communicate how proud we are of our employees for delivering our core company values and celebrate the work they do.’

You can see some of our employees talking about their experience on winning their customer service award here

We became a part of The WOW! Awards organisation in February as part of our commitment to employee welfare and recognising the high level of customer service, which our employees demonstrate.

The scheme promotes a working environment where our employees feel valued as they are recognised for their commitment to our customers. When an employee is nominated for a WOW! Award, the organisation judge whether the nomination deserves a certificate. If the employees are awarded a certificate, they are entered into a national competition to win a national award.

If you would like to nominate a Regular Cleaning employee for a WOW! Award? Please fill out the short form here.

Read more of our news articles.

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